99 13978569
class | Aves |
family | Falconidae |
species | Phalcoboenus australis |
N IDs | 7 |
nRows | 19509 |
lenStudy | 17971 days |
name | Striated Caracara Falkland Islands |
principal_investigator_name | NA |
principal_investigator_email | NA |
license_terms | No publication without permission. OK to use for educational purposes. |
license_type | CUSTOM |
grants_used | Darwin Initiative to Falklands Conservation, Jim and Jean Macaleer and the Acopian Family to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary |
col | % NA |
individual_id | 0.5 |
location_long | 0.0 |
location_lat | 0.0 |
sensor_type_id | nDeploy | nTag |
653 | 7 | 6 |