115 1481243

class Aves
family Anatidae
species Polysticta stelleri
N IDs 20
nRows 11270
lenStudy 293 days
name Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri) in northern Europe and northwest Russia (data from Petersen et al. 2006)
principal_investigator_name NA
principal_investigator_email NA
license_terms These data have been published by the Movebank Data Repository with DOI 10.5441/001/1.2k536j54.
license_type CUSTOM
grants_used This project was funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management and the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center.

col % NA
individual_id 0
location_long 0
location_lat 0
sensor_type_id nDeploy nTag
82798 20 20