220 288396691

class Aves
family Cathartidae
species Coragyps atratus
N IDs 19
nRows 2606642
lenStudy 806 days
name Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures Southeastern USA
principal_investigator_name NA
principal_investigator_email NA
license_terms These data have been published by the Movebank Data Repository with DOI 10.5441/001/1.67f77j31.
license_type CUSTOM
grants_used United States Department of Energy, Award No. DE-FC09-07SR22506 United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Wildlife Services and National Wildlife Research Center, Award No. 13-7439-0959-CA Georgia Museum of Natural History, 2013 Graduate Laerm Award, http://museum.nhm.uga.edu

col % NA
individual_id 0
location_long 0
location_lat 0
sensor_type_id nDeploy nTag
653 19 17