83 129159787

class Aves
family Turdidae
species Turdus rufiventris
N IDs 10
nRows 332
lenStudy 362 days
name Radio telemetry study involving two species of birds of the genus Turdus sp. in Brazil. (Da Silveira et al., 2016 - PlosONE)
principal_investigator_name NA
principal_investigator_email NA
license_terms Terms of use of the data: 1. Cite the provider of data, the article (Da Silveira NS, Niebuhr BBS, Muylaert RdL, Ribeiro MC, Pizo MA (2016) Effects of Land Cover on the Movement of Frugivorous Birds in a Heterogeneous Landscape. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156688. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156688) and Movebank. 2. Acknowledgment to the provider of the data (NS da Silveira).
license_type CUSTOM
grants_used The Brazilian Research Concil (CNPq), the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) and FAPESP (process 2013/50421-2).

col % NA
individual_id 0
location_long 0
location_lat 0
sensor_type_id nDeploy nTag
673 10 10