422 920007556
class | Mammalia |
family | Balaenidae |
species | Balaena mysticetus |
N IDs | 4 |
nRows | 675 |
lenStudy | 440 days |
name | Bowhead whale Admiralty Inlet |
principal_investigator_name | Steve Ferguson |
principal_investigator_email | steve.ferguson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
license_terms | NA |
license_type | CC_0 |
grants_used | Fieldwork was funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nunavut Wildlife Research Trust Fund, Nunavut General Monitoring Program, Ocean Tracking Network, University of Manitoba, University of British Columbia, ArcticNet Centre of Excellence, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Northern Scientific Training Program, W. Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research and the Molson Foundation. |
col | % NA |
individual_id | 0 |
location_long | 0 |
location_lat | 0 |
sensor_type_id | nDeploy | nTag |
82798 | 4 | 4 |