176 205765709

class Aves
family Parulidae
species Seiurus aurocapilla
N IDs 11
nRows 3173531
lenStudy 788 days
name Phylogeography of the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) across its Canadian breeding range
principal_investigator_name NA
principal_investigator_email NA
license_terms Contact Sam Hache () for permission prior to use.
license_type CUSTOM
grants_used This study was supported by research grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to E.M.B. and M.-A. V., Conservation Funds from the Alberta Conservation Association to E.M.B., a NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (University of Alberta), grants from the Canadian Circumpolar Institute and the Northern Scientific Program (University of Alberta), and a Dissertation Fellowship (University of Alberta) to S.H. Funding in support of the Boreal MAPS in the Oil Sands Program was provided by Syncrude Canada Ltd., Hammerstone Corporation, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Cenovus Energy, ConocoPhillips Canada, Devon Energy, Husky Oil Operations Ltd., Imperial Oil Ltd., Suncor Energy, and TOTAL E&P Canada.

col % NA
individual_id 0
location_long 100
location_lat 100
sensor_type_id nDeploy nTag
3886361 11 11