441 9651291
class | Aves |
family | Accipitridae |
species | Neophron percnopterus |
N IDs | 17 |
nRows | 906546 |
lenStudy | 43436 days |
name | Egyptian vultures in the Middle East and East Africa |
principal_investigator_name | NA |
principal_investigator_email | NA |
license_terms | Data through 1 July 2019 have been published by the Movebank Data Repository with DOI 10.5441/001/1.385gk270. Please inquire with principal investigator prior to using in any media or publications. |
license_type | CUSTOM |
grants_used | For funding support, we thank the U.S. National Science Foundation, Christensen Fund, National Geographic Society, Whitley Fund for Nature, Faruk Yalcin Zoo, and KuzeyDoga’s donors (in particular Bilge Bahar, Devrim Celal, Seha Ismen, Yalin Karadogan, Omer Kulahcioglu, Lin Lougheed, Burak Over, and Batubay Ozkan). We are grateful to Turkey’s Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, and NorthStar Science and Technology for donating three transmitters each. |
col | % NA |
individual_id | 0.2 |
location_long | 35.5 |
location_lat | 35.5 |
sensor_type_id | nDeploy | nTag |
653 | 17 | 15 |