class |
Aves |
family |
Laniidae |
species |
Lanius collurio |
N IDs |
30 |
nRows |
4172559 |
lenStudy |
2461 days |
name |
Migration of male and female red-backed shrikes from southern Scandinavia (data from Pedersen et al. 2019) |
principal_investigator_name |
Anders P. Tøttrup |
principal_investigator_email |
aptottrup@snm.ku.dk |
license_terms |
NA |
license_type |
CC_0 |
grants_used |
NA |
## Warning in sf::st_is_longlat(x): bounding box has potentially an invalid value
## range for longlat data

individual_id |
7 |
location_long |
100 |
location_lat |
100 |