89 1351344771

class Aves
family Alcidae
species Uria lomvia
N IDs 7
nRows 3492
lenStudy 354 days
name MurreGLS, Takahashi, St.Lawrence Island, Alaska
principal_investigator_name NA
principal_investigator_email NA
license_terms NA
license_type CC_0
grants_used This research was funded by Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS) Project (Program Grant Number JPMXD1300000000) of Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H02705, and the North Pacific Research Board (projects # 1410 & 1612, publication number 1612-4).

col % NA
individual_id 0.2
location_long 0.0
location_lat 0.0
sensor_type_id nDeploy nTag
3886361 7 6