Lecture 07 Notes


Alec L. Robitaille


March 7, 2024

Occam’s razor is often mentioned as a recommendation to select the simplest explanation of some process. Usually however, there isn’t a set of comparably accurate models where one is more complicated than the other. Instead, the trade off is between simplicity and accuracy.

Problems of prediction:

  1. What function describes these points? (fitting a line)
  2. What function explains these points? (causal inference)
  3. What would happen if we changed a point’s mass? (intervention)
  4. What is the next observation from the same process? (prediction without intervention)

Leave-one-out cross-validation

In sample error: error within the sample

Out of sample error: error with one point dropped (repeated for all points and aggregated)

For simple models, as model complexity increases, in sample error decreases and out of sample error increases. This is the concept of overfitting. In models with hyper parameters, this relationship is not necessarily true.


Not every feature in a data set is regular (representative of the long running generative process).

Regularization for Bayesian models is controlled by using more skeptical priors. (And see hyper parameters in multilevel models)

Regularization increases in sample error and decreases out of sample error

Priors that are too skeptical are a risk when the sample size is small


PSIS and WAIC measure overfitting

Regularization manages overfitting

Never use PSIS, WAIC for causal inference

PSIS/WAIC and regularization also help understanding model fit in the context of finite data

Recall that DAGs don’t consider sample size limitations related to estimators

Confounds, colliders, conditioning on post-treatment variables are preferred by PSIS/WAIC


Outliers usually observed in the tails of predictive distributions

Outliers are points that are more influential than others

A direct measure of outliers in the PSIS K-value or WAIC penalty (no need to guess)

Don’t drop information in outliers, use a better model that is more appropriate for modeling with outliers. This is often a mixture model, eg. the Student-t distribution which is a mixture of Gaussian distributions with same mean, but different variation.