Lecture 20 Notes
Fortune telling frameworks (eg. horoscopes, tarot cards, linear models) has to be vague, derived from vague facts the advice has to be vague. Also often an exaggerated importance.
Cannot offload subjective responsibility onto an objective procedure
Tendency to focus on parts that are mathematical, objective - the quality of the data analysis
Other things that are also important
- quality of theory
- quality of data
- quality of code and procedures
- code documentation
- reporting
Goal setting
- estimands defined at the beginning
Theory building
- Which assumptions will we make to construct an appropriate estimator?
- causal model
Levels of theory building
- Heuristic causal model (DAGs)
- Structural causal models (synthetic functions that identify in precise mathematical ways the relationships between variables)
- Dynamic models (eg. ODEs)
- Agent-based models (most fine grained approach)
These all specify or imply algebraic systems that can be analysed for their implications.
Best way to learn models is to read models
Heuristic causal models
- Treatment and outcome
- Other causes
- Other effects
- Unobserved causes
Justified sampling plan
Justified analysis plan
Open software and data formats
- Express theory as probabilistic program
- Prove planned analysis could work (conditionally on assumptions)
- Test pipeline on synthetic data
- Run pipeline on empirical data
- version control (Git)
- history
- backup
- accountability
Incremental testing
- build things iteratively
- test each piece
- comment everything
- for you and for others
- at least two people should look at each thing you do
- explain the code to someone (rubber ducky)
Describing methods
- math-stats notation of statistical model (software independent)
- explanation of how math-stats model provides estimand
- algorithm used to produce estimate
- diagnostics, code tests
- cite software packages
Justifying priors
“Priors were chosen through prior predictive simulation so that pre-data predictions span the range of scientifically plausible outcomes. In the results, we explicitly compared the posterior distribution to the prior, so that the impact of the sample is obvious.”
Responding to reviewers: change discussion from statistics to causal models, scientific models.
Point readers to a primer paper on Bayesian statistics in your field.
Describing data
Sample size, but specifically the structure of your data - how many observations of how many units?
At which level (across or within clusters) are variables measured?
Missing values
Describing results
Focus of results typically are on estimands, presented using marginal causal effects
Warn against causal interpretation of control variables (Table 2 fallacy)
Sample realizations > Densities > Intervals
Making decisions
Academic research: communicate uncertainty, conditional on sample and models
Industry, applied research: what should we do, given uncertainty, conditional on sample and models?
Bayesian decision theory:
- State costs and benefits of outcomes
- Compute posterior benefits of hypothetical policy choices (interventions)
Horoscopes for research
- No statistics without associated causal model
- Prove that your code works in principle
- Share as much as possible
- Beware of proxies for research quality