
The {targets} documentation and help manual should be the first places to look for details on {targets}. We’ll highlight some pages and links below relevant to the workshop, but be sure to spend time looking through these resources. This is a great example of an R package that has been very thoroughly and thoughtfully documented covering everything from beginner examples to the minutiae of how the package is designed and orchestrates workflows.


This help page is a great place to start when you are looking for help using {targets}. It details things to do before posting, and when you have decided to post a question, where to post it. The {targets} developer prefers using GitHub Discussion Groups for troubleshooting and discussions instead of GitHub Issues.

GitHub Discussion Group

{targets} has a very active discussion group with plenty of past solutions and discussions to search through when you are looking for help.


The debugging page is helpful for debugging {targets} workflows, especially when they get bigger and more complicated. Debugging in {targets} is different is a good place to start.


Some select documentation pages from the {targets} documentation:


{targets} Overview Vignette

This vignette is an high-level summary of the features of {targets}.

User Manual

The {targets} R package user manual

This is the most complete guide to using {targets}. It has info on most of the questions that you will have (although can be complicated - be patient with yourself!). It explains what a target is, best practices for functions, and why error messages can be less intuitive in your {targets} workflow among many other things.


Short course of the {targets} R package

This is an official half-day interactive tutorial on {targets}. It is accompanied by:

  • Code repository:
  • Posit Cloud workspace to try it out without any required downloads or installation:
  • Introductory slides:


Getting Started

This 4 minute video walkthrough gives a short example of how {targets} can be used. It is accompanied by:

  • User Manual: A walkthrough to get started
  • Code repository:
  • Posit Cloud workspace to try it out without any required downloads or installation:




{tarchetypes} extends {targets} by providing functions to do complex tasks with shortcuts and simpler syntax, making your life easier. For example:

  • tar_group_by: define groups in a data.frame to split subsequent targets by
  • tar_render, tar_quarto: literate programming with {rmarkdown} or {quarto}
  • tar_file_read(): tracks a local file and reads the contents

Similar to {targets}, {tarchetypes} has a very active Discussion Group with plenty of discussions to search through for solutions, tips and tricks.

  • Documentation:
  • Discussion Group:


{stantargets} is a package extending {targets} for Bayesian data analysis with Stan through {cmdstanr}.

  • Documentation:
  • Discussion Group:


{jagstargets} is a package extending {targets} for Bayesian data analysis with JAGS through {R2jags}.

  • Documentation:
  • Discussion Group:


{gittargets} is a package extending {targets} for data version control.

  • Documentation:
  • Discussion Group:

Target factories

Target factories are an advanced approach to making pipeline construction easier. Instead of writing many tar_target() calls, a user can replace them with a call to a “target factory”. tar_file_read() from {tarchetypes} is a simple example of this - one call to tar_file_read() creates targets tracking the local file for changes and another to read the local file in with the provided command.


{tflow} is Miles McBain’s opinionated template for {targets} workflows.

  • Code repository: An opinionated lightweight template for smooth targets flows.