
Draw your project

On a piece of paper, draw your iSSA project (or another project if you haven’t started an iSSA yet). List input data, main analysis steps, models and figures. We’ll get more specific with code and functions later, so just start with general ideas. Connect dependencies with arrows and note where you would want to branch by eg. individiual or season.

Write it out in pseudocode

In a text file, adapt your drawing into a workflow using pseudocode. For example:

  • data = read csv
  • filter data min/max year
  • resample filter data
  • model resampled data
  • plot model predictions

Overview of {targets} iSSA workflow

As a group, head over to the {targets} iSSA workflow to walkthrough the workflow’s steps.

Start with penguins

Before we dive into the {targets} iSSA workflow any further, let’s start with simpler examples based on the palmerpenguins dataset.

  1. Projects
  2. Exercises
  3. {targets}